Hi and welcome back to the new term, although Christmas now seems like a distant memory, we sure hope you all had a good one!
We have more great fundraised activities planned for the coming months which the children are sure to enjoy and as always helps with much needed funds for your child’s school. Please make sure you put the dates in your diary so you don’t miss out.
Monies raised by the PTA help with purchasing school materials not funded by the LEA.
Valentine’s Disco
Friday 13th February in the School Hall. Infant disco is 5pm til 6.15pm and Junior disco is 6.30pm til 8pm, £2 per child on the door
INFANTS: Parental supervision is required and essential for the infant children. JUNIORS:Parents to pick up at the door at 8pm
The ever popular Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday 28th March 9.30am – 11.30am in and around the school. Tickets are £2 per child (inc prize) and will be available shortly from your class Reps.
This event was enjoyed by all last time so we will be looking to plan this again for the summer. Watch this space for further info.
If you would like to receive future copies of the newsletter by email or if you have any suggestions our email address is pontyclunpta@hotmail.co.uk
Just a note to let you know that negatives of the school calendar photographs have been destroyed for privacy purposes.
The next PTA meeting will be on Thursday 12th March in the Athletic Club, we welcome new ideas and parents.